Sonntag, 9. August 2015

AE - Sience (or non sience) Fiction (3)

So what the Hell would you do?! What the Fuck would you do after you'd found out what's goin' on in your belly, I mean in your fucking belly, isn't it YOUR belly? Aren't there any Eigentumsrechte you own for your  OWN belly? And if so - at least one thing you know for sure: you certainly never ever sold these Eigentumsrechte to anyfuckingone nor will you ever do so and no fucking arsehole in the whole wide world has the right to use your body against your will for what ever fucking reason !!! Is your belly a sort of Fremdkörper for you or are you a Fremdkörper to your belly?!  Who are you?  And by the way, what mothertounge is it you fall in when you dream?

And for Gods Sake! Who the fuck is using your body as his private research lab and is besides undoubtedley spinning loads of money out of it.

Jesus Christ Superstar what a fucking nightmare are you living in?!

You, in our case
...would be rich and wealthy and probalbly Queen of the world. If she'd sue those motherfuckers for compensation.

But as you can imagin, this is not such an easy thing to do. Infact it might be quite a dangerous thing to even think about.  And not only for herself, but for all and anyone who would  (stay imune against all ratfucking and smear campaigns against her and) dare to help her on her way.

Es braucht also vor allem eines, auf dem Weg zum Menschenrecht:  eine gehörige Portion Raffinesse.

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