Sonntag, 14. September 2014

Samstag, 13. September 2014

Liebe Rüstungsindustrie, Dear Military-Industrial-Complex

Werte Autobauer und Fossilfools,

Why don't you just change your fucking Business?! Warum nicht endlich in unser Aller Leben investieren?! Und Schluss machen mit der Zerstörung des Planeten und der Zukunft Eurer Kinder und Kindeskinder?

Think about it
Thanks for Listening


Lily Liebhardt

PS: You may also read Naomi Kleins Words

Mittwoch, 10. September 2014


Here some Treasures for you my Love from the Jüdische Zeitung

Jordan, my Love

I had this dream the other night. It was just one little scene...a friend, a real and good friend and I just came togehter, we met and talked and everything was calm and kind, there where no spies around, no police, no military, no fashists...only this good friend and me. We were discussing about a place to go for a drink when he invited me to the bar in the ministry. He said we could just open the ministry bar and have a drink there. And everything was harmless and normal. I mean it was normal that he had the key to the bar in the ministry and that we could just go there for a drink and noone would even take notice or bother or suspect anything...I mean just like it should be! Two friends meeting and having a drink in a bar which one of them is managing. And the ministry was just a ministry - just an office on behalf of the citizens, the people. Nothing more and nothing less.

So when I woke up I realized how fucking weired everything is and that I will never ever feel this kind of calmness and normality ever in my life again.

Well. This is why sometimes I just go nuts. And run around like a Rolling Thunder. There are so many things that turn out so fucking wrong and there is no fucking reason to be calm and relaxed  and feel normal. I mean look at our ministries. If they where just offices on behalf of the people, things would look very different. And much calmer. For sure.

Dienstag, 9. September 2014


Yes I know and it is true, I really should come over for Retreat. Unfortunately it is not possible at presence.

Still - you know what I am thinking about these violent Gangs holding the Headlines. Isn't it obvious that all these Headlines and Facebooklike Pics will do nothing but promoting them?

Headlines will not stop them. Only cutting off their supporting sources will help. Think of all the weappons circulating in the Region. And all that money....

Are any of these oh so intelligent NSA or CIA or BND-"Security Programms" of any help yet,  in cutting off that supply and support? Or might it be the other way around? The only answer they got is to increase that supply by circulating even more weappons (and profits for its industrie) while at the same time criminalizing and fighting the Victims of  that Terror and War - the Refugees.


Lieber Horscht

nur ganz kurz zu deiner Frage:

Die Akte Filbinger: Spitzel, Spanner und Senioren

Neue Erkenntnisse aus dem Reich der Untoten

auf den Titel wird es in etwa hinauslaufen...

später mehr


Montag, 8. September 2014

Dear Jonas

Sorry, I was a bit confused today and really shouldn't have approached Jürgen Mahmud in a letter adressed to you. So silly, please forgive me. I try it again in English.

It is...because I am so angry today! Yes I am so fucking angry. I mean look at all these Gangs and Gangsters, Murderers and Maniacs out there on the one side, begging for attention and then on the other side the Media and our Worldleaders, paying that attention and  - as an extra present, keep spinnig the mystical coat around them, putting it all into a religious context. There is no fucking religious context. Violence is the Context. Pure and Raw Violence.

And on both sides.

I will write again when I feel better and a bit more relaxed, Jonas. Infact there are so many other things  I wish I could work through with you.

Huge Hug


Lieber Jonas

Es gibt zumindest eine Zeitung, die ich neuerdings regelmäßig und wirklich gerne lese und das ist die Jüdische Zeitung. Sie erscheint zwar nur einmal im Monat, verzichtet dafür aber auf billige Propaganda und das unreflektierte Wiederkäuen irgendwelcher nicht verifizierbarer Agenturmeldungen, sondern im Gegenteil verpflichtet sich nach bester jüdischer Tradition der Aufklärung (so altmodisch und überholt sich das auch anhören mag) Sehr sehr schön ist das!

Bin ja immer noch ganz mit dem Auf-bzw. Nachspüren meiner verborgenenen oder wohl eher verschütteten jüdischen Wurzeln beschäfigt und froh um jedes Wort und jeden Hinweis der mich meinem inneren Wissen ein Stück näher bringt.

(Meanwhile not only Antisemitismus but also Islamophobie are rising - und das zum alleinigen Nutzen der Kriegsmaschinerie und ihrer Profiteure...)

So sick of that, you know. What our kids need is echte Bildung. I mean echte geistige Bildung und Aufklärung anstelle von dieser ganzen KonsumKlick-Scheiße.


Alles Liebe Jonas

Lily from over the Ocean

(Apropos Jesus: Remember, Jürgen Mahmud, solltest Du hier heimlich mitlesen, I told You Once: Not the Jews killed Jesus, the Romans did! Der Kaiser war's, der Imperator. - eine Leseempfehlung ganz speziell für Dich
Jeus was a fucking Jew! And I love him and always will!!!
(ps. mit wunderbaren neuen Papst Franziskus kann ich im übrigen sehr gut leben, just to mention))

Dear Audience

of the Daily Lies

a fresh
and compressed

Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Dear God

Guide us
and Protect
All our Children, Women and Men,
from Evil
Help us to Create Peace and Justice
and to Live our Lives in Dignity
and in Harmonie
with our Planet
and the Entire Universe

And Let Our Hearts Overflow with Your Eternal Love

( und erlöse uns bitte von dem Geschwätz dieses so unerträglich wie heuchlerischen Deutschen Bundespräsidenten!)