Samstag, 30. August 2014

Dear Police

How shall I feel safe
in a town
where every little group of people
working for the good of all of us
working for humanity
and the salvage of the planet

where every little group
and every little voice

for peace
and justice
and solidarity with
the poor and the weak

where every loving soul
is set on a secret watchlist
watched by secret spies

while Nazi-and other ohter Gangs
are hunting and killing people
without hindrance

How shall I feel save
in town
where undercover agents
and some of your collegues
are running their private KKK
and noone is ever holding them accountable?

How shall I fee save in a Country
where not only idiots
but also politicians and the media
are preaching their Stammtischbrüder,
by stigmatising the stigmatised
Sinti, Romas, Refugees
Muslims, Jews,
unemployd women and men
and outsiders of all kind

just like there was no history
teaching them to fucking shut up?!
and to fucking wash their dirty dishes instead?!

How shall I feel safe here?
in Europe?
in America?
in Asia?
in Australia?
in Africa?

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