Samstag, 30. August 2014

Dear Police

How shall I feel safe
in a town
where every little group of people
working for the good of all of us
working for humanity
and the salvage of the planet

where every little group
and every little voice

for peace
and justice
and solidarity with
the poor and the weak

where every loving soul
is set on a secret watchlist
watched by secret spies

while Nazi-and other ohter Gangs
are hunting and killing people
without hindrance

How shall I feel save
in town
where undercover agents
and some of your collegues
are running their private KKK
and noone is ever holding them accountable?

How shall I fee save in a Country
where not only idiots
but also politicians and the media
are preaching their Stammtischbrüder,
by stigmatising the stigmatised
Sinti, Romas, Refugees
Muslims, Jews,
unemployd women and men
and outsiders of all kind

just like there was no history
teaching them to fucking shut up?!
and to fucking wash their dirty dishes instead?!

How shall I feel safe here?
in Europe?
in America?
in Asia?
in Australia?
in Africa?

Beloved America!

We Shall Overcome

Freitag, 22. August 2014

Dear Journalists,

Liebe Journallie!

Please stop calling them Isis! Just take a glimpse at wiki

Isis Goddess of health, marriage, and love

Stop mystifying cruelty and murder and stop telling us that gangs who kidnap and rape, torture and kill people are doing so in order to building up a "Gottesstaat" and stuff like that...FUCKING BULLSHIT! We all know that all they do is keeping the warmashine running and constantly rising the profits of the armdealers.

Thanks for listening,


PS. und danke an Florian Rötzer für diesen Artikel:
Der Islamische Staat ist eine Geburt der digitalen Moderne

Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Mittwoch, 6. August 2014


my Love,

you cannot imagin how much I miss you. Time is sort of lacking you more and more.

had a horrible dream this morning. I was delivering the papers (just like I did an hour before in Realtime) and Momus was on my side. He said to me: "looks like there are quite a lof of hackers around here..." I said : "Well, In Stuttgart ist der Teufel los" when all of a sudden a van came racing along and two guys with black woolen masks over their heads jumped out and running after me. So I imediately took off my feet and just in time! Puh...

What else: made my star invivsible for a while, as long as there are so many violent idiots out there who cannot even handle their own brains....

Am glad Thomas Rotschild has finally spoken out some real words, after all. Just like Larry Derfner did the other day:

Dear World: The most important thing you have to understand about Israel is that it is not “the Jews”; it is the opposite of the Jews. The Jews are a militarily powerless minority that, until about 60 years ago, was subject to persecution in any number of countries over the centuries. Israel, by the starkest possible contrast, is where the Jews are the majority, it is a military colossus, and it subjects its powerless Arab minority to systematic discrimination, while subjecting the Palestinians next door to out and out tyranny.
The Jews don’t do that sort of thing, never have; Israel does and has been doing it, to one degree or another, since it was founded.
And since the Jews and Israel are opposites, you shouldn’t think of them in the same way or treat them the same way, but rather the opposite way. The Jews, like every other powerless minority, are innocent of any crime and must be protected; Israel, like every other military power that tramples the weak, is guilty as hell – and you, the world, ought to finally start punishing it and protecting its victims.

And I am glad that our Muslim Community in Stuttgart hereof is very concious and aware and much more awaken as lots of their German Mitbürger, one would not think so but true..

Longing For You
Day and Night
