Samstag, 30. April 2016

Liebeserklärung an

Thomas Rotschild
Jean Ziegler
Mavis Staples
Papst Franziskus
Jon Baptiste
Stephen Colbert
Susan Sarandon
Bernie Sanders
Ami Goodman
Yanis Varoufakis

to be continued... 

Once there was a server

So there was a server,
eine Datenbank
- hacked
by unknown ...
quite a huge server
eine ziemlich fette Datenbank
die vollgestopft war
mit allerhand Gossip
missverstandenen Textanalysen
unkenntlich gemachter Wahrheiten
halluzinierter Metaentschlüsselungen
dreister Falschaussagen
manipulierter Videos
Archive voller Stille-Post-Wortauflösungen

in short a server full of bullshit

BUT!: jetzt kommts!:) the server was labeled top secret!!!

thats why it landed on whats app
where it severs the needs of common people
whith a lack of good taste

Funny as abgestandenes Bier

Wohl bekomms!

Donnerstag, 28. April 2016


All My Love 2 Iggy Pop

Wild animals
they do 
Never wonder why 
Just do what they goddamn do 

There's nothing awesome here Not a damn thing There's nothing new
Just a bunch of people scared
Everybody's fucking scared 
Fear eats all the souls at once
I'm tired of it 
And I dream about getting away 
To a new life
 Where there's not so much fucking knowledge 
I don't want any of this information 
I don't want YOU 
No Not anymore 
I've had enough of you 
Yeah, I'm talking to you
 I'm gonna go to Paraguay 
To live in a compound under the trees 
With servants and bodyguards who love me 
Free of criticism 
Free of manners and mores 
I wanna be your basic clod 
Who made good 
And went away while he could 
To somewhere where people are still human beings 
Where they have spirit 
You take your motherfucking laptop 
And just shove it into your goddamn foul mouth
And down your shit heel gizzard 
You fucking phony two faced three timing piece of turd 
And I hope you shit it out
With all the words in it 
And I hope the security services read those words 
And pick you up and flay you 
For all your evil and poisonous intentions 
Because I'm sick
And it's your fault 
And I'm gonna go heal myself now Yeah!

Sonntag, 24. April 2016


A Final* Prayer to God


You Who Are Almighty




Our Beloved Jesus Christ

From The Cross


You Who Are Almighty


For You Alone Know

Where Jesus

Our Beloved Christ



Samstag, 2. April 2016

Water Is Life. Don't Undermine It

Berta Cáceres was a firm defender of small farmers and indigenous peoples’ rights and an inspiring social activist, both at regional and continental level, in defense of social and environmental justice, particularly against mining megaprojects and hydropower plants.
Im Gedenken an Berta Cáceres, die am 3. März 2016 in ihrem Zuhause von 2 "unbekannten" Auftragskillern erschossen wurde.

INTERNATIONAL JOINT STATEMENTCondemn the murder of Honduran indigenous leader!